Blocking Message, Like System.messagebox But Bigger Font

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I'm prompting a user to take multiple steps, with a message in between where he indicates "OK" that the step is complete.  The system.messgebox works fine for this; the sequence waits until the operator clicks ok, then proceeds to the next step.  The problem is, on a tablet interface, the messagebox font is too small to read more than about 6 inches away.  I've tried using a modal popup page with much larger font to accomplish the same thing, but the underlying sequence will not wait on the modal popup to be closed. So, it looks like I would have to build a state machine or some special queuing mechanism to accomplish the same result, with flags to cause a sequence delays until the operator closes the window, which signals the mechanism, etc..  I'm hoping there is some easier way to do this.  As I mentioned, if I could control the font in the messagebox, that would work.  Are there any other (easy) ways to accomplish this?  

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I did something  very similar to this (though in that case there was some branching depending on stuff going on in the PLC), but used DF screens in popup mode.  Have an array of all the strings you need to display, use a variable value display of MyScriptStrings[idx], then every time the guy hits OK, increment idx.   Makes it real easy to maintain the string database, plus you can make the text any size/font/color you want.

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There is a message box font control, and that worked.


Trying an approach like SteveMyres suggested, I created a class of arrays with both a string message and a string to feed execute(), and a specific init() to set all the strings up, then the modal popup button called it with an index to put up the next message and then execute it's related code to set up the next step and/or test error conditions and that worked pretty well.  It started getting too complicated once it needed to branch on the test result to different steps,etc, so I just went back to the system.messagebox with a huge font. 

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