deleting log data

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No, Channels are designed so that you can't remove data.  You would need to copy it and clean up the data, or simply clean up the data before it gets to the channel.   To copy it to another channel (say a Test channel with 0 Timing), you could do in a sequence:

private tempData = PU_Rain_C
tempData.removeAt(53,1) // note that I remove the higher index data first


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I have a filter in the sequence:
PU_data3 = parse(datain,3,",")
            //? PU_data3
            if((PU_data3 > PU_RAIN_C[0]) || (PU_data3 == PU_RAIN_C[0]))
               PU_data3.time = systime()
               PU_RAIN_C.addValue(PU_data3)                    //pick out RAIN COUNTS
            ? "RAIN = " + PU_data3


But this filter does not catch NaN

I tried the following :

PU_data3 = parse(datain,3,",")
            //? PU_data3
            if((PU_data3 > PU_RAIN_C[0]) || (PU_data3 == PU_RAIN_C[0]) || (PU_data3 == NaN))
               PU_data3.time = systime()
               PU_RAIN_C.addValue(PU_data3)                    //pick out RAIN COUNTS
            ? "RAIN = " + PU_data3

and I get the following error.

C1085 Function without parenthesis: X_ONE_SEQUENCE Line 262

any suggestions appreciated



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