Interactive Text=Vchannel?

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I am a fish out of water here, but dont have many options except to learn to make a application with DAQ or hire someone who can.

I want to make a page that allows users to enter data, such a : Site supervisor, emergency contact, ect. I would like the assign some of that information space as a vchannel to link it to the top of several other pages. How would I go about doing this?

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If you want to hire someone, you might consider posting to the forum for that purpose.

As for your question, are you having problems creating the page, or linking to the V channels? Also, why not just use variables instead of V channels? What do you want to do with this information once it is entered?

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I am trying create a application for mud logging uses. The exact thing I am looking at doing is allowing the mud logger to enter data in the "well info" page. I want to select certain portions of this data, such as the Well Name, Company name, And Rig name, to be displayed on every page of the application once it is entered.

I also have gas data coming in, which I would like to use a similar method to display max gas on each page.

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If you just want it displayed, then create variables and have the edit boxes change those variables. Then use Variable value components to display the contents of those variables. You'll need to declare the variables first, with defaults, but that's easy. Just create a new Sequence, mark it "Auto-Start" and add lines like this:

global string WellName = "My Well"

Note that wellName has to be a single word that starts with a letter and contains only letters, numbers or the underscore.

BTW: there are lots of mudloggers using DAQFactory, many of which are quite active on this forum. If you want paid help, from someone in your field, you likely can get it just by asking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another mudlogger?!

There is probably 4 or 5 of us running around here at one time! :)

Came to the right place for a wealth of info here!

Seems like you're starting from scratch??

Be prepared for an overload of variables! :P

Have fun and ask away!

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Sry for double post, but you can right click anywhere in DF, choose the "Display" menu, and select Variable Value...

Now right click the new variable value component, choose properties, in the expression box you should have your "V.Channel[0]" in there with all the other params set...

Then choose the action tab, click the drop down and select "Set To" and then the action channel is your "V.Channel[0]"...

Now click ok and return to you project page in DF...Your variable value component is now "Clickable" and you can set it to your needs!

If you need it to be words instead of numbers, the variable must start with "str"...(a string)

Here is a really basic .ctl doc with an example...VariableValues.ctl

Let us know if you get stuck!

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global string well_number ="Well Number"

Great-Ive been asking myself that question for a long time how to do that one! There is a wealth of mudlogging help on the forum from solving anything from lag to wits to even chromatograph integration(which I havent tried yet). Daqfactory is a great product, and Azeotech does more than his share of helping people on his forum with how to do type questions.

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