Changing Max Voltage Level


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I am using LabJack u3 with DaqFactory Express and thanks to you guys help I finally have a program that logs and graphs varying voltage in 12 hour increments.  However, the graphs and I suppose logging parameters tops out at 2.5 volts and does not graph input up to 5 volts which is the upper level of the equipment that I am monitoring.  What changes do I need to make to the program to accommodate a 5 volt maximum level?  



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Exactly.  Wire two resistors of equal value in series, say in the 500 ohm to 2K range (Minimum value will depend upon the current sourcing capability of the equipment that's sending the signal).  Apply your 5V across the network of two resistors, and take your voltage input from the point between the two resistors.  Then 0-2.5V at the input means 0-5V at the equipment.


You can also get signal conditioners with or without electrical isolation to scale signals, even changing from one type (current, resistance, low level voltage such as milivolts, RTD, thermocouple, thermistor, etc.) to a current or voltage that can be connected to your reading device (general comment, I'm not familiar with LabJack input capabilities in detail).

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